You guys racing these cars on 93 octane are asking for problems. I hope you have $10K in the bank for a motor because that's where you can end up pretty quick. It's cheap insurance to dump 2-3 gallons of race fuel in the tank and never have to touch the tune or anything. It's just a safety net. You guys know I learned the hard way on this one

I'm gonna start telling everybody I run 9.70s on "pump gas". E85 comes right outta the pump around here
Anybody talking about gutted cars blah blah blah isn't a racer. I quit listening to those folks a long time ago. If I'm at the track for a PB I want to give the car the best chance it can have and like was said if someone thinks they can do better, they're welcome to put in the work and go try. Most of that talk is from folks too lazy to prep the car for the race track IMO.
@hellman nice runs. When I was dialing in my 93 tune I ran 10.0 - 10.1 so you're right there. I had hoped I'd hit a 9.9x but never did. Ran a BUNCH of 10.0x though LOL. Our DA doesn't get super good here though so I just accepted it and moved on to race gas testing, and now E85 which is glorious
I run a JLT intake on mine. It looks good, isn't super loud but a bit louder than stock, and it makes me feel good since RE and Demon come with open element filters. However, I doubt you'll see any noticeable difference over the stock air box.