Easy Maggie. Dictang booster ain't bad tad all. A liddle bloo pill fer me and 1 fer da tank. Gives us both a hard on fer Evees. I ain't against a guud idear but like said bee foe. let Dee Cee screw it upster. Dis 2 da union mechanicalbattery crap has taken ova Whorelander, Fl. You no da place Reedy Creek owns and DerSantus has demised his pezdancy over. While I waz wurkin on da Obmer chiller plant at UCF. Still hate dat place. Seamons turbine, Chiner made abortion chiller, Mexeecon propuced non natural gas fed, and Yapasneeze engineeered whum could snot speak english two da union mechanical out of Jackassville. WW Gay Me 2 Death. Day went a snob further dan ormal. Shuld had bean in DC at Georgette Town. Day had and LP gas, guud gulf carts fer maintenance persuns to getter round, guud. Run off of battreys and LP gas frun Mexeecon,, hell no. Day spent our federal, Obamar ass $$ on solar panels 2 run deez golf carts. Liberal ass college.