David Fl,, stupid invention. Coming from the inven tor of the stock a/c cold tank. Why waste the trunk space, coolant piping, condensate mess, 8 lbs per gallons,,, just plane dumb. Ask the guy in St Pete whom devised the so called perfect tank whom has been out of business since I devised the stock coolant heat exchanger from the factory. Oh, he went out of business since this 34A refrigerant came out 5 years ago. Oh my. The dude from Australia whom devised one whom is out of business. Yes, I did create a monster but devised the perfect HX that did replace the dy na sores. Coming from the chiller killer of the past whom has been working on chillers from the 60's. Mr Carrier whom invented a/c back in the 30s when TB became a disease. Then Mr McQuay came out with the purrrfect chiller devised from the magnetic compressor. It has no moving parts and can be run down to 10% of it's ca pass ity. Can take a 1,200 ton chiller and devised it to run to 10% of it's compassity for energy consumption. Then Dycan reinvented the machine to do even better. Called a 3 stage compressor that down loads even further. Residental AHUs in your house you can't even hear it run. I waz born way before my time. Then there is the ice chiller that makes ice stored in tanks for use when electric companies gave out discounts for off peak hours during night time for a/c consumptions. Then they got a wiff of that and stopped giving out off peak discounts. Then the invention of the obsorbtiion chiller that produces chill water from waste heat produced from gas fired turbines. Then they put a stop to that. Just no wining against the electric companies. One step ahead. Next will be the invention of waste heat coming off the bright side of the moon and Tampa Electric will put a lights out of the moon then gravity will be no longer and we will be in deep shit.