They either have under their noses at my home, and or they barge into my house and claim a well fair check to see if I am ok . They have never left here with out me. They take me to the hospital for 3 to 7 days for observations. This has been going on for 6 months at sum times twice a week. I am going to have to get an injunction or move back to Tenn. My neighbors are pissed having cop and meat wagons show up at all hours of the night. Lights a flashing. They just come right in my houese going what is wrong with you?? Hey jack off I am sound asleep in bed what the hell you doing in my house. Oh, cant tell me whom the prez is,,, don't care, unresponsive in my living room. They cart me off. Again, and again. I owe the ambulance over $22,ooo for all the trans ports.
Reasoning for is some one in the million dollar hood is concernad for your welfare. So they hit 911 and give them an address. That'ts it. All it takes. Off you go. For no reason. I waz working on the H/C at 2 am cause it is hot during the day. On my back measuring the gaskets on the catys with the car running for expansion reasonings. They wrote me up as attempting suiscide. Pulled guns on me, strapped me down, drug tested beyound my consent. Told me I was having a drug over dose and hit me with a shot of NARCAN,,, wicked stuff. Makes you tell all except I am amune to it and I was not oding on drugs. This past 3 months has been a nightmare.
My personnel care physician good friend C8 owner thanks Brian, gets all these reports in and is almost embarrased to know me. I stopped and had blood drawn at his office and said run a drug screen. This has been a complete dee bock able. I may party at times but at home.