I was a nice student at a military school, institution, in Chattanooga, Tn. My parents were fun loving travelers. Another words too much money and a lot of friends to play with. I had a chauffer to take me to academy and home. A tutor 3 times a week, sports out the ass. Excelled as close as you could get to the Olympics. All going on to be a junior Trump. Then at the age of 14 my father goes and purchases a new barracuda, for him, nope, my mother, nope, brother, nope. At 14, here son go to the market and get me a case of PBR and some cigs. Have friends coming over to burn steaks on the grill for 3 hours. Breakfast time before they mutilated the cow that was not supposed to be brutalized like that. The car was for me to be a runner. Brand new car. Market was 20 minutes there and back. My trip was an hour or more. New set of tires every 4 months. What a great car. I had it timed to where they wood run out of beer,, if you call PBR that in a galvanized can. Started nursing on that at 12. What great parents. Dad wood be proud,, now I do it in a faster manner.